List your empty medical room or property

Target Listings That Connect to the Medical Industry, Facilitating Swift and Effortless Collaboration

Use premium or free listings for your property or rooms

Premium listings give you more bang for the buck. There are plenty more opportunities and options with paid listings.

However, our Free listings can be a good start especially if you are in an area where very few doctors are looking for rooms. Compare premium and free listings before you make the choice.

Benefits of premium listings

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See how Medical Room Online can help you with quick and easy listing setup


Registering and activating your Practice Manager account is easy.

Enter a few short details, check your email and you’re in! Register Now.

Add listing

Once you have registered and logged in to account, follow the prompts to complete a listing using a simple form.

We are here for support along the way.


Your free listing will need to be renewed every 6 months.

You get reminded and its easy to log in and republish the listing.

Before you register

All aspects of listings, account details and payments is managed from your dashboard. Your dashboard will have all latest prices and information you need. Start by registering your account today.

Make sure you have good looking images. Use at least 1200 pixels by 675 pixels minimum. This allows for a better user experience. Smaller images also work, however, they tend to become blurry on a desktop or laptop

For paid listings, describe your room in great detail. People want detailed information and great images when they are looking to buy. If you need our professional writing services, let us know via email.

For paid listings you can attach your logo to show your branding. Include the logo in 1:1 square format.

All listings need a paid or free subscription to be published. Paid listings use a credit card, free listings don’t need any credit cards.

Now you can get started and familiarise yourself with your account and listings.

Reach out via the contact form if you can't locate the information you seek.

You can also step over to our FAQ page to find many more answers.

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